Huwebes, Nobyembre 10, 2011

Too Late

(for a clear video:)

“When will you say you love someone? When it’s too late and never would that person hear what you’re trying to say?”

Ako si Gabriella… and my friends usually calls me, Gab.
Mahigit tatlong taon narin kaming hindi nagkikita ni… Raph.
Kinalimutan ko na siya.
Dahil hindi naman din ganun katagal at ka-espesyal ang pagkakaibigan namin.

Then, out of the blue, may lumapit sakin.
“Yes? Do you need something?”
“A… Don’t you remember me?”

… and he showed me something. (A picture)
Why did you…”
“Come back?
‘Cause I’m searching for someone. At buti nalang nahanap ko na siya.”
“Raph, what are you doing here?”
“You’re studying here…”
“And you’re being mean.
Gusto lang naman kitang makita.”
“Let’s see each other some other time Raph.”
“Please… Gabby, I drove all the way from Antipolo
Just to get here and see you.”
“I didn’t ask you to do that Raph.”
“But I did!”

Niyakap niya lang ako…
at simula noon, hindi na niya ako tinigilan.
Walang mintis ang araw-araw na pagdalaw niya sakin sa school.
Hindi ko malaman kung bakit siya gan’on.
At hindi ko naman gustong maging manhid.
Alam kong may gusto siyang sabihin.

Siyam na buwan ang lumipas, pero wala siyang sinabi.
Nang isang araw, hindi siya pumunta sa school,
na ang akala ko, isang magiging normal na araw lang.
Hanggang sa mag-tatlong araw, isang linggo, isang buwan.
Akala ko tumigil na siya.
Nainis ako sa kanya.
Ang bilis niya kasing sumuko.

Pinuntahan ko siya…
“Hi tita…”
“Gabriella, iha!”
“Si Raphael po ba nandyan?
Gusto ko po kasi siyang makausap.”
“Nagpapahinga siya, Gab.”
“A… tita, isang buwan na kasing hindi niya ako dinadalaw.”
“Hindi niya siguro sinabi sayo…”
“Ang alin po?”
“May sakit siya Gabby.
Pero ininda niya dahil gusto ka niyang makita.”

Why you’re…”
“Hanggang kailan Raph?
‘Bat kailangang itago mo sakin?”
“Hindi ko gustong itago.
Ayoko lang kaawaan mo ako.
Gusto kong humingi ng tawad sayo.”
“May leukemia ako Gabby.”

Wala… wala nang lumabas pa sa bibig ko.
Tumakbo’t niyakap ko lang siya.
Umiyak ako…
Hindi niya gustong kaawaan ko siya.
At hindi ko gagawin ‘yun.

“Hush… Hindi mo kailangang umiyak.”
“Hindi naman ako umiiyak e.”
“Gabby, sa pangalawang pagkakataon, kahit hindi ko gusto,
maiiwan kita.”
“Hindi mo ako iiwan Raph.”
“Please Raph…
Tell me, you’re not gonna leave me.
Hindi ngayon na…
Mahal kita…”

“But were too late.”

Biyernes, Setyembre 23, 2011

Learning Is Simple (3 Idiots)

Before watching this movie, I really thought of we’re just going to watch a not so important film. But after having some time to watch this film, the story has a really big impact to me especially that I’m a student; and I know to my classmates as well. There are a lot of morals to be taught. The story line was not just about three friends that were under pressure with their studies in college. Teachers or professors should not be too proud of their own because maybe sometimes, they fail.
The lessons we have and still going to have is not always taught by our teachers/professors or even our parents. We have our own minds to use for us to think. In right times, we must learn to decide on our own. You cannot always depend on what other’s saying; what if the said thought is not what you want, would you still take it? How will you cover up your happiness and attain success if you don’t obtain what you really wanted to be?
I believe with this saying, “Passion leads to excellence, Excellence creates success.” This belief doesn’t mean that you cannot excel into something that isn’t your passion. But your passion is your way to your great excellence, and this excellence is heading you to your purpose over the years of studying, success. Don’t stop because they preach that you can’t. Instead, chase for that is what you want and makes you happy.

To be educated, you don’t need pressure. If you are responsible enough, you don’t need to cram. To learn more, you don’t always need others for you to be taught. Pursue what you think may pilot you to your own better life. But don’t be a reason to anyone’s death for your success.

"Make your passion, your profession." - Rancho.

Huwebes, Setyembre 22, 2011

The Ten Commandments (Book Review)

While I was able to read the introduction, it’s really hard because nothing wants to enter in my mind. Actually, I’m found myself lazy on that night. It is useless for me to read on that time. So I decided not to and just start typing next morning, at dawn to be exact. But as I go on skimming the text, few lines caught my attention.
From Martin Luther’s Large Catechism (1529), “God rightly calls all persons murderers who do not offer counsel and aid to men in need and in peril of body and life.” I believe in the content that this justification focuses not only to the external actions done by a man where it is asked whether it is right of wrong. It also tackles the inside character and particular relationships. For a man who could kill someone, someone’s to criticize not only for what he had done, but what kind of person he was. Right or wrong, there’s always something we could say to a person because we think that this thoughts may also help us to improve how to deal with that particular person.
The Ten Commandments are a rock because they express the providential sovereignty of God. Recognizing His power to rule us over anything may show at the Ten Commandments he had given to Moses as we read the account in Exodus. Obeying and paying attention to this is a way of entering the presence of care and loving God in our lives. Like the passages written in the Bible, some individuals had a glimpse of our providential God, especially Moses who was given a task. It was only showed that anyone of us could see a glimpse of Him if we have strong faith and recognizes His power over us and His name – we may do this on our prayers, and how we could show our devotion for him.
Now, after God had given Moses the Ten Commandments, the first tablet referred to the love of God; and the seven commandments written on the other tablet related to the love of our neighbor.
The First Commandment
“Thou shall not have other gods beside me.” – There is only one God. Only one who has the power to rule over us. Why do we need to worship and praise others as we go on thinking what’s their right to be praised of? We must know how we can violate this Commandment to avoid doing it. Try to escape from encountering some acts that contradicts you to praise Him like fortune-telling and practice divinations.
Hmm… I don’t really understand how being merciful or rescuing someone is related to this Commandment. Is it because God wants to teach us that we should practice our merciful heart; or just a conclusion of another belief? But, anyways, I should do my reflection based on the texts from the book.
As we go on, the author believes that “Mercy is an act of rescue.” Well, I agree with him because God showed this act to us. How? If we come to think of it, it is because of His merciful heart and love for us why we are rescued from evil (which is Satan), and continued living life up to this point of time. What’s rescuing means? It is saving someone out of danger, and as creatures created by God Himself, our danger is our sins.
The writer said that by understanding his belief helps us to realize the powerful utterances (prayer) of an ailing person who cried out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me.” They were crying because they’re asking for help for their illnesses. And goes to show God’s intimate saving actions in our own lives. It is hereby to see what He had done for us from the pasts and us, as His creatures must return it back by showing comprehension to His commands. Praise Him, only Him.
The Second Commandment
I love this law… “Thou shall not take the name of the Lord, your God in vain.” We must really not to play or destroy the name, image, and identity of the Lord. What’s our right to do that after salvation from evil and live long enough? They may say, it’s only an expression; but still, you’re destroying Him. Why? You can use other expressions of your own!
In the book, the author said that if we invoke someone’s name, we are invoking authority because their respected name carries their authority. Invoking someone’s name has two characteristics. First, to know this person based on his tone of respect because respect and disregard are part of our culture expressed in tone. The way we speak to that person may also reflect what kind of personality you had. Second, how we could communicate with love because by a simple act like utterance of a person’s name, we can show how our love is for them.
So too with the Lord, the way we utter His name contemplates how much respect we must gain for Him and how much love we could give, for  us to give for the others. I believe that each individual has a different personality that serves as different uniqueness of the Lord. And by respecting their names, we respect Him. By showing how much of love we had, we prove it to Him.
The Third Commandment
As Christians, it is really our duty to “Always remember the Sabbath day,” not because we are ought to do so, but because this is the way and day we must give thanks to the Lord for the things He had done for us, for the blessings. This is also one way to mold us as Christians. I remember the story of one of my teachers; he was asked “how and why” that thing was produce. Then he answered, “Because it is the rule.” As for me, yes he’s right Ü, for it is really the rule and sometimes, we don’t have to ask, just follow; and because that’s the way we always do things.
The author included in his writings what’s God’s purpose of this stage. First is to rest. Rest for me is an act of freeing your mind all over again for a new start. In order for us to open a new day and have peaceful minds, we must really rest, recreate ourselves. Second is, we must celebrate.
We all know that celebration is not only for important occasions. Of course, if we are resting, we must celebrate that we have time to clear our minds after all the thoughts. And as Christians, the celebration of the Lord’s day means “thanks giving”, and is through the Eucharist. Last one is to gather. It is where we could find ourselves together with our brothers and sisters (the children of God) celebrating and simultaneously remember Him.
The Fourth Commandment
We think that this commandment calls us to obey because we learned it that way, and the first virtue we were taught was the virtue of obedience. But the commandment says, “Honor your father and your mother” but we translate it from honor to “obey”. What’s the difference of the two? What is ‘to give honor’ to you? Yes, I believe that honoring someone has a difference with obeying him.
Honor is our act to give a great respect, and our way to respect (our parents) is by obeying them. They’re like our parents here on Earth. They’re our first teachers who guides and molds us to the bright future. They are the way how we could deal others as well. So, it is our duty to give honor for we must be thankful.
Years past, and if they were aged, not only obedience could show respect. A simple act of listening to their stories is also a way we could express their great value in us. And by accepting their thoughts of you, right or wrong, just smile and think of the things – that may be a compliment. You don’t have to loathe because when the time comes, you’ll going to miss them to. Spent time and listen.
We are summoned to face, acknowledge and claim them, for better or worse, as our own. We are to appease to those stories and those persons, our parents. But beyond reconciliation, we are called to let those before us to speak again, not as parents commanding obedience, but as adults sharing their years and life-experiencing before we were born. Now, we are to cherish their memories, so as to honor them. We must also know them as they knew us.
Obey, not because you are ought to do so, but because of love and respect. Be thankful for the years and they shared their lives with you, they share their stories. Someday, we’ll experience how to become one of them. We could experience difficulties from the start. But what I said, “Spent time and listen,” because the virtue of listening is for an individual to understand and learn.
The Fifth Commandment
What is life for you? – A borrowed one? What comes into your mind when we are to talk about life? In the book, he said that the face of a baby is a wonderful expression of life. Well, I believe him; because in life, our first step here in the Earth is to become a baby – and give light to everyone. And also, as a Christian, human life for us is a promise. Different promises of God were showed here.
First is the promise of God as Creator who made us, His creatures an image of Him. Second is the promise of God as Redeemer who sacrificed and gave His life to the Father to save and be forgiven to our sins and continue life. Next, is the promise of God as Provider who leads us and gave us Holy Spirit to guide us in the right path we must able to take. Last thought is the promise of God made visible to us and was taught generation to generation.
If we are to look at a certain baby, back in our minds, we are asking: “What’s within this kid?” “What’s going to happen to him?” – A mystery of life. Not only ‘love is like a rosary, full of mystery’ because life is also a charade. You don’t know what’s coming next until it was acted. You don’t know what to do in your next days, if you’re still alive or not.
What makes killing forbidden? In a law, killing is a major offense. Because we are not counting to ‘just’ a life, we are counting God’s life and we have no rights to violate this. It is ours. Life was God’s property.
This is why we’re preventing death-dealing practices because it does contradict the giftedness and promise of life. Instead of learning these stuffs, we must learn how to respect especially human life. Because without respect to human life, we are prone to destroy it. So, for the babies out there, if they’re still a kid, let’s help them learn things in a better way. We do not let them behind because they’re just babies. Remember that “They’re our hope for our country.”
The Sixth Commandment
There’s nothing wrong about having a relationship. But having an affair to someone and cheat to your partner, that’s a different conversation. In a school, cheating is a major offense, right? Likewise in a relationship, our so called ‘third party’ is the most main reasons why some couples have to break up. I believe that cheating is lying. Because when you cheat, you’re not going to tell it to someone and when your partner asks you, you’re not going to tell the truth, and by not telling the truth is lying.
If the fifth commandment is about life, the sixth is about the body. But we must talk first about the mind. Yes, mind… because a certain body cannot move without the mind asking to do something, or without someone holding or touching him. A body cannot just decide on its own. Things that you’re body is doing is usually comes first in your mind.
Body is the reality of communication. Yes, it is true because our body is the ones who act what’s in your mind. In here, we let others feel what they are supposed to feel. We let reality takes place for what we’re thinking of. But we must be responsible about taking actions because you may not know what we’re doing.
Like destroying a certain marriage, ruining their vows as husband and wife. It is not just a ‘physical thing’ but yes, we are also hurting someone else’s feeling. And violating them is an act of betrayal. Unfaithfulness to someone you were vowed for in front of Our Lord – Lying not only to your partner but to the child of God and to Him.
The Seventh Commandment
There’s no good in stealing. If we know someone’s ownership, return it back. If you know it is not yours, do not interfere without any consent of the owner. Like in the story that is said in the book, we have to give up to a person his stuff though he’s has no longer interested in it. If he gave it, take it. Just don’t steal it and make different alibis.
Kidnapping is also an act of stealing. Because when we say “stealing”, what comes first into our minds is an act done in a physical manner. And invading others property… like what I said, if the owner gave it, take it or whatever you want, if not, leave it where it has to be. Let’s try to think of the stuffs or actions that we’re doing. We may not notice our mistakes if someone don’t tell it.
“Theft” in spiritual means, is the revelation of the act of what you covet in mind. And you use this for the sake of bestowal or transferring something for you; for you to enjoy your own. Stealing or theft is taking someone’s property in an unlawful manner. And sometimes, you’re acting like that thing is really yours when you know to yourself that is not. The right definition of this argument is not that “‘taking’ something that doesn’t belong to you,” but “‘claiming something…”
The Eighth Commandment
Simply right: “At every ‘don’t’ is a ‘do’. Don’t kill, steal, lie, commit adultery, destroy are the fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth commandment. Why we are ask to DO avoid these things? – To respect and protect the human life and body, to promote justice and truth. This is to prevent false witnessing against thy neighbor.
For us to promote justice and especially the truth, we must start in ourselves. We must have the courage of telling a fact to something. Be a TRUE witness! Not a false one that may lead a danger to an individual. This is a true justice is.
Like in a crime, you are one of the witnesses and you decided not to tell the truth… where is your conscience? You will agree that the camp (family) of the suspect will just pay for your silence? How about the justice and rights of the victim? Because of the money, you lost your personality that leads justice and truth reign. You let yourself be dirt in the society because of money.
Remember that money is nothing without dignity. Then, you’re telling, “Of course, I have my dignity!” How are you gaining your dignity? If you have respect to yourself, you must know how to respect others. Learn to yourself and not from others that you think has great ideas; because you may not learned all lessons in life from the others.
Speak what we believe! Enable your leadership and guide everyone to pursue the truth not only for our country, but also for the justice of the people living and hoping for a better something in it. To do this, we must listen, understand, respect, and look into reality of life. I am speaking because it is an idea; I am speaking because it is a command from Him. Don’t be a Pontius Pilate of anything just to save your own life.
The Ninth and Tenth Commandment
“Thou shalt not covet your neighbor’s wife; your neighbor’s goods.”
Coveting is an act of wanting or longing something (that another person has) in your mind with envy. To covet is going beyond simply admiring someone else's possessions or thinking “I’d like to have one of those.” Coveting includes envy – resenting the fact that others have what you don't. So if your neighbor has a beautiful wife and you began thinking “I’d like to have her for my own,” you are therefore coveting. And if you’re trying to look at a woman with lust, you now commit adultery with her and starting to want her.
In our report last discussion, I was able to speak about the difference of the thought of wanting something and needing a thing. Of course, aside from its spelling, when you said that you ‘need’ something, it is for me an essential. Like, let’s say… a necessary thing to a person. Each of us has needs in life. Like a shelter, food, clothes, attention, love, security.
Now, wanting something is very different from needing because these things are not your necessities in life. Sometimes, these wants is just because of ‘you are envy with’ that belongings. Not just belongings. At times, it is to someone. Coveting is occasionally because of the expectations of that person.
If we are expecting something, like “Why I don’t have yours and he has?” Then we are disappointed and starting to think of that we must have what he had. If it’s a woman, you’re coveting his wife, and if to things, you’re coveting his goods. Whatever it is, you’re still coveting and pursuing the disobedience to the commandments of God. Different acts but same idea.
But there’s a way we could overcome covetousness. First is the act of conversion, the change of our heart. Be pure and not to think evil. Clean not only your heart, but also with your mind. So that, reform may follow… the change of our lives. Of course, you cannot start into something huge already. We must gradually change what it has to be change, little by little. After changing, cleaning, try to think what to restore or what we call in overcoming covetousness is the act of restitution that means making up for the loss or damage. Reflect on the things you had done. Say sorry, for the wrong thoughts…

Biyernes, Agosto 26, 2011

PHYSICS: Moment of Inertia

Moment of inertia is a measure of an object’s resistance to changes to its rotation. It is the inertia of a rotating body with respect to its rotation.
For a point mass the moment of inertia is the mass times the square of perpendicular distance to the reference axis and can be expressed as:

l = mr2            (1)

where l = moment of inertia, m = mass, r  distance between axis and rotation mass.
The point mass relationships are basis for all other moments of inertia since any object can be built up from a collection of point masses.

For rigid bodies with continuous distribution of adjacent particles, the formula is better expressed as an integral.
l = ∫r2dm       (2b)

where dm = mass of an infinitesimally small part of the body

General Formula
l = kmr2          (5)

where k = inertial constant – depending on the shape of the body


Inertia of Cylinder
Thin-walled hollow: comparable with the point mass (1) and can be expressed as:
l = mr2            (3a)
where m = mass of the hollow, r = distance between axis and the thin-walled hollow, ro = distance between axis and outside hollow.

Hollow:          l = 1/2m (ri2 + ro2)             (3b)
where m = mass of hollow, ri = distance between axis and inside hollow, ro = distance between axis and outside hollow

Solid:              l = 1/2mr2    (3c)
where m = mass of cylinder, r = distance between and outside cylinder

Inertia of Sphere
Thin-walled hollow:                         l = 2/3mr2     (4a)
where m = mass, r = distance between axis and hollow

Solid:              l = 2/5mr2     (4b)
where m = mass, r = radius

Rectangular Plane
Axis through center:

where a, b = short and long sides
Axis along edge:

Slender Rod
Axis through center:
where L = length of rod
Axis through end:

Miyerkules, Agosto 24, 2011

PHYSICS: Rotational Kinematics

By convention, we measure angles in a circle in a counterclockwise direction from the positive x-axis. The angular position of a particle is the angle, Φ, made between the lines connecting that particle to the origin, O, and the positive x-axis, measured counterclockwise.

In this figure, point P has an angular position of Φ. Note that every point on the line OP has the same angular position: the angular position of a point does not depend on how far that point is from the origin, O.
We can relate the angular position of P to the length of the arc of the circle between P and the x-axis by means of an easy equation: Φ = L/r; where L = length of the arc, and r = radius of the circle.

Imagine that the wheel is rotated so that every point on the line OP moves from an initial angular position of Φi to a final angular position of Φf. The angular displacement, θ, of line OP is: θ = Φf – Φi
For example, if you rotate a wheel counterclockwise such that the angular position of line OP changes from Φi = 45o = π/4 to Φf = 135o = 3π/4, as illustrated below, then the angular displacement of line OP is 90o or π/2radians.

For line OP, to move in the way described above, every point along the line must rotate 90o counterclockwise. By definition, the particles that make up a rigid body must stay in the same relative position to one another. As a result, the angular displacement is the same froe every point in a rotating rigid body.
Note: The angular distance a point has rotated may or may not equal that point’s angular displacement.

ANGULAR VELOCITY, is defined as the change in the angular displacement over time. Average angular velocity, is defined by:

Angular velocity is typically given in units of rad/s. As with angular displacement, the angular velocity of every point on a rotating object is identical.

ANGULAR ACCELERATION, a, is defined as the rate of change of angular velocity over time. Average angular acceleration, ā, is defined by:

Angular acceleration is typically given in units of rad/s2.

Martes, Agosto 23, 2011

PHYSICS: Rotational Motion

Rotational motion deals with the rotation of a body or an object about its center of a mass. The movement of any object can be described through the combination of translational motion of the object’s center of mass and its rotational motion about that center of mass.

We can define angular momentum in terms of moment of inertia and angular velocity, just as we can linear momentum in terms of mass and velocity: L = Iw.
The angular momentum vector always points in the same direction as the angular velocity vector.

Angular Momentum of a Single Particle
Example: Tetherball of mass m swinging about on a rope of length r:

The tetherball has a moment of inertia of I = mr2 and an angular velocity of �� = v/r.
Substituting these values into the formula for linear momentum we get:

The momentum, p = mv of a particle moving in a circle is always tangent to the circle and perpendicular to the radius. Therefore, when a particle is moving in a circle,

Lunes, Agosto 22, 2011

PHYSICS: Conservative and Non-conservative Forces

When a conservative force does work, you can get that energy changes forms, whether a conservative force does work or non-conservative does work. But when a conservative force does work, it’s easy to get the energy out of the system. And when a non-conservative force does work, it’s much tougher to get the energy out of the system.

To determine whether an object has conservative force or non-conservative forces:
1.       The work done by a conservative force when displacing an object from point “a” to point “b” is independent of the path taken.
·         Friction is a non-conservative force.
2.     The work done by a conservative force over a closed path is always zero.

Example, in the problem of free fall (neglecting air drag) we have already studied, an object is thrown upward at a certain initial speed. It reaches a maximum height where its velocity is zero and then starts to descend with negative velocity. Clearly the body has lost all its kinetic energy once it has reached the maximum height, because it has zero velocity. However, as the objects falls back, when it reaches the ground again its speed is identical to its initial speed. What happened is that on the way up the force of gravity does a negative work on the object, while on the way down it does a positive work, giving back to the object the same energy it had taken away. Forces like this are called conservative, because their work is never wasted, it can always be recovered. Forces that are not conservative, whose work cannot be recovered, are called non-conservative. The best examples are friction and air drag. Non-conservative forces tend to disperse their work into forms that cannot be recovered by simply reversing the motion, such as heat and sound.

It is useful to recast the work-energy theorem in a new way based on the distinction of conservative and non-conservative forces. The theorem was: W = ΔKE
Now we can rewrite this as:
because the net work is the sum of the work of conservative and non-conservative forces.

Understanding Conservative Forces
·         The object regains initial motion (kinetic energy) on return to initial position in a closed path motion.
·         Conservative force transfers energy "to" and "from" an object during a closed path motion in equal measure.
·         Conservative force transfers energy between kinetic energy of the object in motion and the potential energy of the system interacting with the object.
·         Work done by conservative force is equal to work done by it on reversal of motion.
·         Total work done by conservative force in a closed path motion is zero.

Understanding Non-conservative Forces
·         The speed and kinetic energy of the object on return to initial position are lesser than initial values in a closed path motion.
·         Non - conservative force does not transfers energy "from" the system "to" the object in motion.
·         Non - conservative force transfers energy between kinetic energy of the object in motion and the system via energy forms other than potential energy.
·         Total work done by non-conservative force in a closed path motion is not zero.