Many times I had watched this movie; I can still remember the original chronicle. This doesn’t make me forget how Moses accepted the responsibilities, God had given him. This was really my all time favorite story (the story of Moses) in the Bible. That I came to buy a book entitled, “My Book of Bible Stories”, when I was a young kid.
Though there are some reversed characters, and the director or the story writer inserted some scenes (that was not written in the Bible) in the movie, the whole story was still provided with pure moral lessons on how to follow the laws, especially the Laws of God.
First, is to protect not only yourself but your sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, parents, and everyone else around you. Protecting one’s life is more to like ‘protecting Father’s child’. In the (real) family of Moses, Yocheved (mother), Aaron (brother), Miriam (sister), they did every possible way to save his life from Pharaoh, who ordered to kill the new born babies. And because he was saved from the hindrances along the river, they believed that he’s the “deliver” of God.
One of us, especially babies, is a ‘deliver’ of God (that’s why they were called blessing). So, we must be a shelter to protect and defend each individual; not just because of a thing or so, but to think that s/he is a Father’s child, our brother.
Second, is being a brother… I don’t truly believe that being a brother or a sister to someone is just by blood; because such people treat others like their own siblings, especially to friendship. Like in the movie, Rameses and Moses were not brothers by blood, but since Rameses got attached to Moses and had that bond of friendship that’s more to like brothers, he doesn’t mind at all and never allow himself to think of losing Moses for his own royalty – and that is acceptance of someone.
“All I’d ever known to be true is a lie…” (Moses) – This line really broke my heart. Who would ever think of accepting a lie through your life is simple? May I say, “The truth hurts, but lies worse”. And those words, “I understand what you feel,” I say, “No!” Because you really don’t until you experience it and happens that you encountered. But no matter how difficult it is, just to live your life better and achieve great happiness, acceptance is always the key to every flaw; and if there’s acceptance, of course, you also have to forgive.
In my own belief, each man’s purpose why he’s still breathing is to be happy. But we’re not only living just for ourselves; but for the others. If God can forgive seven times, why can’t we that are simply human made through his own flesh? – And how can we achieve pure happiness on our own if forgiving someone on something seems hard for us to do?
Lastly, is to believe. Believe in Him. He has the knowledge of everything you and everyone around you, don’t understand. He’s done writing your whole life story before you do wish for a better one. It’s just your decision if you’re going to choose his lighten path or the other way around. He’s our guide; and having faith in Him means protecting and loving your life. Don’t lose hope to anything. He’s got a better plan.
As I watch the movie, and to compare the Laws of Man to Laws of God: in the Laws of Man, poor people were considered slaves, and wealthy one, or let me say “royal blood”, people bowed down to them as they were their ascendant. While to Laws of God, neither you’re wealthy nor unfortunate; if you’re a creature, you’re first duty as individual is to respect everyone! – “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”
And taking His place? – People must know the first great commandment: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind, and with thy whole strength”, is (for me) equivalent to the first commandment: “You shall have no other gods before Me”, in my own opinion, this is the most and very important. He’s everything! He’s the Lord of all creatures.